Thursday, May 30, 2013


Yesterday my host aunt called me into the kitchen outside to help her cook. She handed me some garlic to unwrap and went about the kitchen doing kitchen-like things. I started unwrapping the garlic to get to the smelly center when I looked over at my aunt. She was wrestling with six or seven dead red crabs with a butchers knife. Then she looks up at me and asks if I'd even done this before. She wasn't talkie about the garlic, she was talking about the beastly crabs she was wrenching open. I obviously said no and asked if she ever had. She then started laughing and said that she never had either. We both started cracking up, threw all the crab bits and pieces that were on the counter in a pot and started walking to the market. I don't know what it is with this family and seafood but it sure does cause the market by my house to make more money.

Book: Finished remember me trilogy- oddest boom I've ever read.

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