Wednesday, January 30, 2013


My host family is a little mysterious. Well, not really but I think it's because they cannot explain some complex things in English.
My host dad apparently lives in the South of Thailand.

Sophie lived with my host family now for about two weeks earlier this year to "teach" my host brother English. So when my host family does things they invite Sophie too which is really nice of them. Therefore Sophie and I are solving this mystery together and are finding out more but very slowly.

Here is what we know:
He lives in the south.
My host parents are still married.
He visits sometimes.
He works in the south.
And that's about it.

So today I was talking to Sophie on the phone when my host mom walks through the front door. My host brother (Toey) follows her and then another man I do not recognize. I figured it was a friend or business man because my host mom often has business meetings with people at the house.
And then she said, "This is Toey father."

I immediately told Sophie that I would call her back.

To be continued...

Book: Finished The Destiny of Natalie X and Other Stories today and it was quite good. MOving on to Adventure of State. Another book from my host family's condo.
Thai: baker..................................lightswitch

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