Wednesday, January 27, 2016


A friend of mine is visiting Thailand soon for a couple weeks.
It hurts.
Well, it doesn’t hurt. it’s a yearning feeling.
I forget in which language it is but the translation to miss something, is actually to have it missing from you.
That is what Thailand is to me.
Not just a nation, but my true self is there somehow. I know that nostalgia has kicked in in a way that I am different person from my Thai self. And if I visited now, it would an utterly different experience as I would do different things and react differently.
Everything would be different.

In my memory though, Thailand is a time capsule of tough lessons learned the hard way, and waking up every morning to sun in my sheets knowing I was happy.

I’m yearning to open up that time capsule for myself.

Maybe, I just need to create another instead.

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