Monday, February 4, 2013


Exchange is like being born again. You're in a new family, a new culture, you have no friends and you can't speak. Luckily you can feed yourself though. And the hardest thing about exchange for me is friends.
I left the friends I've known forever.
I've come to a new place knowing no one.
I've made amazing friends instantly.
And I will have to leave them at the end of the year, and might not see them for years.
To come back to friends that may have moved on without me or that I've possibly moved on without them.
It's a terrible cycle that may cause emotional trauma and sometimes I think, WHY THE HELL I AM PUTTING MYSELF THROUGH THIS?!

And then I remember why.
It's because these friends I've made, are so incredibly awesome. And because they're awesome, I know that we will be lifelong friends.

And so now I will start a series of blogs about my friends. Because I owe my awesome exchange year all to them.

Book: Page 49 of Adventure of State
Thai: best friend.........................................poo-ang zee

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