Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today I sat in my bedroom feeling terrible. Not only was I sick but I was homesick and alone with my dangerous thoughts.
And I thought to myself about how I was going to blog about how tough it is to be an exchange student sometimes.
And then I looked down at my phone to check the time.
But instead of reading the time, I read the date on my phone.
It read September 11.
I began to feel even worse. Why? Because I spent the whole day worrying about myself. How selfish I had been today. How ignorant.

Even though I was only five, I remember 9/11.
I don't remember a lot. But I remember.
It was dark in the house. I was still living in California at that time. My dad ushered my sister and I into my parent's bedroom. My mom was sitting on the bed staring at the television. She said, "Watch this, this is history."
I remember watching them fall. I remember the pictures of the smoke. The pictures of the ruins.
I don't remember anything else.

I sit here moping in my room, crying over missing my family.
Missing my family.
But, you see, I am so lucky. I am so lucky to have a family that supports me. Even if sometimes they feel so far away, I know they are closer than I think.

My tears will stop and my moping with cease. At least for today.
Today I will be thankful and proud.
Proud to be an American.

Books: Page 308/348 of MPHFPC
Thai: wat..................temple

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