Sunday, September 16, 2012


So while in Thailand I think about the things that I'm going to do when I go home. Like go camping with friends. Or finally take the train to Portland etc., etc. My most recent scheme is one of which my best friend Emma and I will take a road trip down to southern California together and spend a week there.
So I told my dad this tonight when we were skyping and he replied with "Hmm, maybe when you're in college."
"You sent me away to Thailand for a year and don't trust me to go to California?"
"No, I trust you. I just think you and Emma together are dangerous."

I can't help but smile at his reaction and can't wait to go on a road trip to California, hopefully before college.

Book: on page 104 of the Great Gatsby, will probably finish tomorrow. Next up: Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levitthan. I'm really excited to read this one!!!
Thai: Pie wrote meh.......bus stop or literally "bus sign"

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