Saturday, September 1, 2012


This week at school, I actually went to class. The school gave me a schedule with specail classes to help me learn Thai culture. This includes everything from Thai Sword Fighting to Vegetable Carving. I also am taking a Thai culture class.
The thing I find interesting about my Thai Culture Class(well it's just me and the teacher, so not really a class) is that it is taught by a Thai teacher.
Let me explain, I didn't really know the American culture until I looked at it from the outside. I find myself comparing things about the Thai culture to the American culture all the time. I am not judging whether either culture is better but I most definitely think of America differently.
I am learning about America through British news, Russian news, Thai people and other exchange students. I am learning more about my home country everyday.
I guess I shall wait and see about how much my Thai teacher can teach me about Thai Culture and how much of her Thai I can understand.
That's right, she doesn't speak English.

Book: Listening to the adventures of Sherlock Holmes- Chpt. 2
Thai: One...............................................................................Nung

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