Thursday, August 16, 2012


So my last post was really sad and depressing and angry, but I felt that I needed to post it because I spent a good amount of time and thought on it. So I thought I would counterbalance this with some funny things.
There are some examples of things that are different from America in Thailand...

Yeah, they don't drink milk here. They have this drink called Dutch Mill and it is a "non-fat yogurt flavor drink"? I am curious about what it is made of but the nutrition facts are in Thai :(. But when I bought an Iced Coffee Late the other day, I saw a real carton of milk. MILK! I almost asked the barista where they buy their milk, but thought better of it. Although, I am becoming really tired of dry cornflakes in the I will probably ask next time.

They are so different it's crazy but I'm not gonna go into detail.

I realize I am not the average teen. But Thai teenagers are like nothing I have ever seen before.
First, they have too much energy. At school in GH, teens drag themselves out of bed, buy a coffee at the student store and trudge on through the day. We hit an energy peak around lunch and during after school activities. Thai teens are literally running around the classroom at 7:20am. How?! Their cells must be mutant because of the weather in Thailand and therefore must produce more ATP than Americans. Or they just actually eat breakfast, unlike most american teens.
Second, extracurricular activities. Most Thai teens listen to Korean pop, or K pop. A combination of early 2000 pop music and One Direction. Except the voices are extremely high and the content is more conservative. I do listen to Indie music at home but I mostly listen to music about partical physics, harry potter and Doctor Who. So when my friends asked me to show them my favorite song, I looked up on YouTube I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by the Proclaimers. They changed the song to K pop within two minutes.
Third, reading. They don't read here. The only novel that my friend read was Kite Runner, which is a very good book, yet how can you not read? No one has read Harry Potter but they have seen the movies. And when I asked them why, one girl said to me, "why read it when you can watch it." I could say so much about that...........

Overall, they are a lot of things that are different in Thailand, but I love it. It will take me a while to get over the culture shock and be able to fit in with Thai people. The Harry Potter thing will take a long time, actually no. I think reading is like believing in climate change. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN IT. So I may never get over the Harry Potter thing, but I know that I can most definitely live in Thailand for a year. But first things first, I must find milk!

Some Housekeeping:
There will be a book recommendation for each of my blog posts from now on. If you have suggestions for books for me to read please leave them in the comments or email me at Or if you would like to send me books to read since I have a lot of spare time ;), email me and I can provide you with an address.

Each blog post will also include a Thai word or phrase.

Thai word(s): Where can I buy milk?.............Chan sawh-mah sue gnome. (pronounce gnome as in the garden decoration)

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