You will find that teenagers these days often say I love you to and hug their friends. I am not one of those people. I love my friends, I really do, I just don't say it.
That all changed when I became an exchange student.
And I'm glad it did change.
Being an exchange student is really hard. Really, really hard.
I have to say goodbye to all of my friends and loved ones, spend a year without them, leave during an election year, live with three new families be submerged in a new culture and language, have to learn a new language (in my case three because I'm taking German and Chinese at school) be the new kid in high school, try to make new friends, then have an awesome time to then have to go back home, try to regain one's footing after missing a year of american pop culture, learn who my real friends (aka figure out who actually missed me and what not) and then have to go back to school and try to graduate on time and have to deal with all my new exchange friends being all over the world!
Overall, a lot of emotional things. Which aren't so fun.
Overall, an experience which no one will ever have but me.
Overall, being able to tell a lot of stories with "When I was in Thailand..."
And now for the gushy, lovely, last scene of a disney animated movie part:
Thanks so much for following my blog, commenting and giving me support! It's really helped me to get through all of this culture shock and "unfamiliar" customs.
I'm giving you all an imaginary hug right now, thanks for being so awesome!
I'm changing my book recommendation thing to "what book I'm reading right now" so that way I am forced to keep reading.
Book: Artemis Fowl (yeah I realize it's for kids but a friend gave it to me to read because I finished my other book and it's pretty good)
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