Friday, August 17, 2012


If you know me, you will know that I make a lot of lists. Lists of things to do, things to look up, etc,. So here is a list of things that I was unexpected by in Thailand.

1. I might be better at badminton than the rest of the girls in my class (it's an all girls school).
2. I was cold today because of the intense air conditioning in my school.
3. Each student has around 100 points in school, and depending on if you break school rules, points can be deducted. But you can never earn points (this point system reminded me of the House Cup).
4. If I was under the point system at school, I would already have had points deducted for having too short of hair.
5. My host brother is packing for the Apocalypse. He is going to Michigan on exchange. He is packing a ton of noodles and Thai food.
6. I learned German in school today. And actually retained the information.
7. Thai students don't pay attention in class, at all. There is not a moment in class where only the teacher is talking.
8. I haven't seen that many tuk tuks here.
9. They don't eat chocolate here either. That's going to be difficult.
10. The image Thai people have of America. They believe America is the best country in the world but most people don't know who our president is.

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