Today I finished my book. Well, not my book, my friend's book. She lent Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code to me to read, because it's written in English.
It was good. Although I feel like I read it 6 years late. The book is mainly aimed toward humans who are between the ages of 7 to 12. It's about a boy prodigy (who happens to be extremely wealthy) who discovers an underworld fairy land that is super advanced in technology. I don't usually read those kinds of books. Although younger Turi loves those types of books.
When I was younger I wanted to be a prodigy. I would dream of the days where one of my teachers would discover a hidden talent of mine. I wanted to be a child star. Well, obviously that didn't happen.
But, life is still good.
See, my parents raised my sister and I to be sorta good at a lot of things instead of really really good at one thing. Now that sounds terrible, but it's not. They wanted us to be able to fit in with all social groups and be able to choose what we wanted to do in life instead of being forced in one direction.
For a while I was kinda mad at my parents for doing this because all i could think was "SO I WILL NEVER BE A CHILD PRODIGY?"
Now, I'm really happy they raised me that way. Because I'm sorta good at a lot of things. Like I'm sorta good at playing the violin. I'm sorta good at reading music. I'm sorta fast at swimming. I'm sorta good at debating? No, I'm just an ok debater, let's face it. And I like it that way because I am able to do many things instead of just one thing!
Although, I wish I was a nerdier child. For instance, I really like to read. But I couldn't read until I was in first grade. And I mean the first book I could read was One Fish, Two Fish and it was halfway through the year. Now that may be considered normal, but I remember feeling behind in that class. Although, in first grade I already knew about addition and subtraction due to my Besta's awesome teaching skills. And I could identify some plants because of my Grandpa's biology knowledge. But I still felt a tad behind.
I remember I would wake up an hour before school started and climb into my mom's bed so we could read Junie B Jones books together. But when I was reading Junie B. Jones, my classmates were reading the Chronicles of Narnia.
In other words, I was late in catching the reading railroad.
But now it seems like I am the only one on the reading railroad train!
People don't read here. Yes they read signs and students read textbooks but they don't read novels. I asked my host dad if he reads anything and he said that sometimes he reads the newspaper. Ok, good. He also said that he looks up things on the internet. Things?
At this point, I don't care how you read, just that you read.
I've always admired how my parents read. Whether it takes them five years to finish a book or a day. It's a characteristic that I want to have. And as my parents have inspired me, hopefully I can inspire others to start reading.
Book: Hopefully going to the book store on Saturday. In the meantime, listening to The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on Audiobook.
Thai: teacher..............................ah-jawhn
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