Monday, August 27, 2012


Two people have asked me if I am afraid of walking on the streets in Thailand.
Nope. I am not afraid.
I have walked in Paris at night, on the streets of London, with friends in Seattle and figured out the New York Public Subway system in just 3 days.
I am not afraid of walking the two blocks from my house to my school in broad daylight.
However, the things I think about while walking on the streets may be dangerous.

It's just me, the bumpy sidewalk and my thoughts out there, and it's a very scary place.
When alone I think about home. My family, the familiar foods and sights. While thinking about these things makes me really happy, it also makes me a tad depressed for obvious reasons.

And therefore walking on the streets isn't dangerous to my physical being but my mental health.
Yeah, everything is backwards in Thailand.

Book: On page 173 out of 329 of Artemis Fowl
Thai: back home................................................ krup bahn(sorta 'flip' the r in krup)

P.S.- I would really like to elaborate on my thoughts of walking alone but am having terrible writer's block and (let's be honest) procrastination. I promise my next post will be more detailed.

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