Thursday, August 23, 2012


Because of the popularity of my last post, I decided to continue on my thought about rule breaking.

I can assure you that my greatest fear is being deported.
I will never do anything that would get me deported, upset rotary or harm others.
That being said I don't think it would really matter if I maybe "forgot" to wear my belt one day.... Or "accidentally" wore make up. Right?
I mainly just want to break these rules because when I ask the girls here why they have them, they don't know. They just know they are rules.
Rules for rules sake is a tad aggravating. I understand why schools have rules. They keep students safe, they increase learning or something yada yada. But having rules just because you can, takes away individuality.
For instance, it is hard to make friends in a new school. In the states, I could just wear my nerdfighter shirt and hopefully meet other nerdfighters. But here, how can I find other nerdfighters?

Coming from a country that encourages change and a family that inspires creativity, it's just kinda hard to reach out when you are supposed to fit it.

If that made any sense....

Book: The keeper of lost causes
Just finished this one today! It's a crime/mystery translated from Danish. About 400 and an international best seller, I encourage you to search for it at your local library!

Thai Word: Eat..........kin

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