Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Every human is born with it churning through their veins.
In the layers of human character, rebellion can hide in the depths or show blatantly through. Or sometimes hover somewhere in the middle, like mine.
Lately, mine has been surfacing.
My school has many rules.
You cannot have short hair.
You must bring a school bag, wear a belt, wear your uniform.
You nails cannot be too long.
They range from the average to the ridiculously confining.So confining, that teachers have to check school uniforms and appearance before school and in the past have had to swipe an ID card (or something like this) to check in each day.
I ask the girls why they have/need to follow these rules. And their response is "because it's the rules."
You can't answer a question with the same words in the question! It's like defining a word using the word you want to define!

50% of me wants to obtain a list of all of these rules, so I can break them all. Well, just break the ones that do not harm other people or get me deported.
50% of me want to follow all the rules so that people will like me and not think that I am a stupid American that can't follow the dress code.

If you break it down, I am split between following my beliefs of asking why and advocating for change to a unefficient system or falling under Thai peer pressure.

More to come on which side I will choose.

Book: 1984
Thai Word(s): Love.......lak (like la but with a short 'k' at the end)


  1. aahhh Turi, welcome to Asian private school....and life.
    Let this be a lesson learned- you have to know and understand the rules, along with its consequences, before you can actually break them and make it serve to your own purpose.

    Being a Rebel without a cause...can possibly get you suspended, deported, jailed....or start having visions of James Dean and Natalie Wood and poodle skirts , lol (film reference, if u have not seen it yet)

  2. Break 50% of them, and follow the other half! :}

  3. Please follow the rules, we don't want to be visiting the US Embassy in Thailand any time soon...
    Please walk to school with someone! I love you! Nancy said she and Bill are following your blog and cannot believe what a good writer you are!!! I can't wait for the next one...

    Hugs coming your way!

  4. I lak you so much! Does that work or can you give me the entire phrase?
