Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So i couldn't post yesterday because the internet decided to shut itself off, so today there will be two posts.

The average teenager's main goal in life is to survive high school. I indeed have this goal.
The reason I can survive high school in Gig Harbor is because of my friends. I have amazing teachers and generally like to learn new things, although, if my friends aren't at school for a day or more. High school is pretty miserable for me.
Today my only friend at school was gone. It was my third day. The classes were so boring that I read 73 pages of my book. It's a great book, but my eyes hurt from staring a words all day.

This made me realize how much I appreciate my friends.

Thank you to everyone who has ever talked to me in class about nerdy things. Thank you for making me laugh at 7:30 in the morning. Thank you for allowing me to be grumpy in the morning. Thank you for listening to all of my rants. Thank you for supporting dictatorship. Thank you for sharing deserts with me in Chemistry and Math class. Thank you for making me a better runner in PE. Thank you for being a nerdfighter with me. Thank you for going to Harry and the Potters concerts with me. Thank you for speaking in Spanish with me when it's too awkward to speak in English. Thank you for continuing Bowtie Tuesday. Thank you for loving Doctor Who. Thank you for not finishing lit circle books with me. Thank you for letting me copy down math notes I missed in class. Thank you for telling me what the board says when I forget my glasses. Thank you for making me a better debater and person. Thank you for eating large cookies with me. Thank you for buying me cold drinks when it’s snowing outside. Thank you for knowing exactly what I’m thinking and thinking the same thing.

And thanks for just being awesome.

Book: The Little Prince
Thai Word: Friend…… phu-ang

Yeah so sorry my posts are so nostalgic, but I blog in the evenings so I guess I feel nostalgic when I’m tired. Huh. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. We were talking today (Emily, Tasha, Madeline and I) and we all miss you like crazy! We also love reading these, and are so glad that you are having this new experience.

    And we seriously appreciate you, too. Thanks for being there through so much and teaching me to be a little more assertive and open with people. You rock :)
