Wednesday, September 26, 2012


So far, I have taken two other exchange students to try there first krispy kreme.
One was from Canada, Gabby, and the other Sophie, from Germany.
Sophie enjoyed them so much that she and I have split many boxes of krispy kreme's since.
Although today my friend Willis, from the US, and I took Gabby to try her first krispy kreme.
We all spit a box of 12. Meaning four each.
That four turned into five when a KK employee gave us a free one while standing in line.

Exchange students are known for starting their exchange in their host country as thin people, and returning to their home country as slightly-larger people.
And I know realize that I will probably become "slightly-larger" off of american food here than Thai food.
Luckily I only was able to eat three krispy kreme.

Book: Paper Towns page 230 or so. THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD!
Thai: ant........................moat (pronounce short)

Sorry I haven't posted in a while..........I'm actually busy now!!

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